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Membership Pledge 2024-2025

Welcome to the form where you can apply for membership or renew your pledge at Temple Emanu-El. 

We are so grateful for our members and their role in making Temple Emanu-El a beloved community! Belonging to Temple Emanu-El is not only an invitation for a seat in the sanctuary; it is making that seat an enjoyable place to sit. Belonging here is not only creating a place that accepts differences; it is a place that embraces and celebrates those differences. Belonging here is not only receiving help from the community; it is giving back to it. Temple Emanu-El does not just welcome you in; it makes sure you are here to stay.

As a Member of Temple Emanu-El, you:
  • have a Jewish home on Oahu on 2550 Pali Highway
  • can enjoy the High Holy Days with your family
  • vote and participate in congregational decisions
  • serve on committees and boards to have a direct influence on the Oahu Jewish community
  • B-mitzvah training and counseling for student and family
  • are granted early access to reserve tickets to our Passover Seder
  • have access to clergy for counseling and lifecycle events
  • gain knowledge about and exposure to the Jewish way of life through the many temple offerings. For example, School for Jewish Studies, Jewish Wisdom Group, Torah Study Group, Shabbat Services, etc.
  • belong to an embracing community where ALL are welcome

Household Information

Please use this format: 808-555-1212. Also, please do not enter your mobile phone number in this field. If you do not have a home phone, leave this entry blank.

Member Information


Child 1 Information


Child 2 Information


Child 3 Information


Emergency Contacts

Emergency Contact 1

Emergency Contact 2

Yahrzeit Information

Please indicate names of your loved ones who have died, their relationship and date of death. We will use the English date, for our convenience and yours, unless Hebrew is specifically requested.
Please email the office at if you have additional yahrzeits that you wish to have observed.

Volunteer Interest

Annual Membership Commitment

We welcome your membership pledge regardless of the amount you pay. The amount of a Sustaining Membership pledge at Temple Emanu-El is determined by the resources needed to sustain our operating budget. However, we offer the opportunity to pay less or more--depending on your circumstances.

*Affiliate / Off Island / Snowbird Membership: Reduced rate for those living outside of Oahu and/or for those who are affiliated at another synagogue (with proof of membership elsewhere). This category of membership does not include High Holy Days.
It has always been Temple Emanu-El's policy to offer flexibility with pledges for those who wish to pledge a larger amount or who - because of financial constraints - need to pledge less. Note: For Temple Emanu-El's well being, please pledge as close to the Sustaining Membership as you are able. Please indicate the amount you are able to pay below. All arrangements are held in the strictest of confidence. 

Security Fee

Temple Emanu-El has engaged private security for our facility during services and classes. We ask each household to contribute a minimum of $100 annually for the cost of this hired security. Please select the amount you are able to contribute to security below:
enter amount above

Payment Options

If you wish to pay by credit card, a payment link will be available in your confirmation email. If you would rather pay by check, cash, or monthly bank withdrawal, we will follow up with you to arrange payment.

Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785